We had our monthly meeting at B&B Tavern on Hwy 20 in Freehome. Great food was had by all.
There was much business taken up as we moved our chapter onward and upward.
Officer Elections were held:
Frank Goss Remained President
Dylan Thomas was elected Vice-President by a narrow margin over Dan Thomas
David Booth remained Treasure, having been newly appointed and by default (since no one ran for the position) became Secretary as well.
Mat Hester & Dan Thomas were nominated and accepted the position as Directors.
The Treasure updated the club on our incorporation.
Blue Knights Georgia VI is now legally registered with the State of Georgia as a non-profit organization, as required by law to conduct business.
Our bank account with Wells Fargo has been closed, and a new free account checking account will be opened this coming week at Bank OZK.
Chapter Bylaws were presented and adopted by the members in attendance. They are attached below.
The following rides were considered and added as official chapter rides
April 27, 2024, 9:00AM - Central Georgia Police Memorial Ride at Harley Davidson of Macon
September 7, 2024 (rain day Sept. 14) Atlanta 9/11 Memorial Ride at Southern Devil Harley Davidson
Regular Ride the 3rd Saturday of each month (ride agenda decided at previous month’s meeting.
The 50/50 donation total proceeds were $73.00. The members unanimously voted to skip the drawing. All proceeds were added to the chapter funds. An additional $20.00 was donated by members to help our club.
The donations for the Quarter Nursing Home Drive were collected to be delivered by President Frank Goss
Our next regular meeting will be March 9. Location to be announced.
Onward and upward