About Us

The BLUE KNIGHTS® is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men & women who enjoy riding motorcycles. Yes, we are a motorcycle club!
The Blue Knights is a family fraternity. Spouses and children often accompany our members to the various rides and functions. When traveling, local members can provide assistance, directions and sometimes a place to stay. We are truly a family. All makes and models of motorcycles are welcomed to join our organization. In the Blue Knights we do not have “Prospect” or “Probationary” members. You are eligible to join our organization as a regular member because you are a current or retired law enforcement officer.
Blue Knights Georgia Chapter VI is officially the Woodstock, Georgia Chapter, covering the area north of Atlanta, Georgia. We strive to locate our meetings throughout the area in an effort to make it as convenient as possible for our members. Our members not only represent law enforcement agencies in the area but also consists of active and retired law enforcement officers who live in the area.
We are a very active Chapter, with monthly meetings and other activities which include group rides, overnight trips, charity events, as well as support for many community events. Our Chapter has sponsored events that have raised thousands of dollars for organizations like Angel Flight of Georgia and Dream House for Medically Fragile Kids. Several times a year our membership grills out dinner for the kids and families staying at the Ronald McDonald House at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite.
Most of the time, we are just happy going for a ride, grabbing a bite to eat, and enjoying the camaraderie of our group. At times we may look and dress like members of other motorcycle clubs, but make no mistake, we are different: “we are the good guys”.