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Join Our Club

Georgia Blue Knights GA, VI is fortunate enough that we are located near some of the most sought after riding areas of the country. Come join us some time! Contact us about attending a meeting or ride and see about joining our Chapter. We’d be happy to have you as a member.

Briefly, to qualify for membership you must:

  • Be an active full or part time law enforcement officer with powers of arrest.

  • Be employed by a governmental agency and receive monetary compensation, or be a retired or disabled former law enforcement officer.

  • Possess a valid license to operate a motorcycle.

  • Own a motorcycle or plan to purchase one within six months.

Knights On The Dragon
Keep Calm
Beautiful Ride
Please print the form front and back on one sheet of paper, NOT separate sheets of paper!

Other Forms and Chapter Information 

"As a Blue Knight, I pledge to act with honor and pride to promote motorcycling and motorcycle safety by being an example of the safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles. I will work at all times to improve the relationship between the motorcycling law enforcement community and the general public. The fraternal spirit will always guide me in relating to other Blue Knights."


According to the By-Laws, our purposes and goals are to: 

  1. Provide for the mutual assistance, enjoyment, entertainment, education, physical, mental and social benefit of its members and the general public.

  2. To promote and advance the sport of motorcycling and the safety of motorcycling.

  3. To serve the interests of motorcycle owners and users.

  4. To promote by example and any other acceptable means, safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles.

  5. To develop a fraternal spirit between law enforcement personnel and the general public.



Benefits of Knighthood

It is difficult stating what makes the Blue Knights® so special. Perhaps the following will help explain the kinds of feelings that flow when a bunch of motorcycle-riding police officers get together.

Knighthood is:

  • Enjoying the company of different people who share not only the common bond of a career in law enforcement, but also a love of motorcycles.

  • Being able to visit your friends in any of our member countries and be treated like family.

  • Receiving get-well cards from people you've never met. (There are no strangers in the Blue Knights, only friends you haven't met.)

  • Riding with the Ladies of the Knights and Little Knights who give that added family touch.

  • Going to handicapped children's camps, giving the kids rides and seeing the smiles on their faces.

  • Various fund-raising activities for those less fortunate.

Being a Blue Knight is all this and much, much more.


Working with Charities

Blue Knights work long and hard to raise money for various charities.

We're the good guys!

The Blue Knights is a family fraternity. Spouses and children often accompany our members to the various rides and functions. When travelling, local members can provide assistance, directions and sometimes a place to stay. We are truly a family.

Among the Blue Knight members,
"There are no strangers, only friends you haven't met."

Running The Gap
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